CONNECT! Surfing New Wave marketing

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CONNECT! Surfing New Wave Marketing is the sequel to the first “New Wave Marketing” book that was launched last year at the MarkPlus Conference 2009. The book further describes the 12Cs mentioned in the first book and adding an additional element, crucial to the success of practicing marketing in the new wave world.

The book starts by explaining how PDB (Positioning, Differentiation and Branding) and the 'vertical' concept is not enough anymore. It states the necessity to horizontally transform them into what the book calls the triple C! Transforming positioning to Clarification, differentiation to Codification and brand to Character.

CONNECT! Surfing New Wave Marketing provides a solution for visionary marketers who are getting restless not being able to work with the Legacy method anymore.

The book introduces another crucial 'C' that is needed before successfully implementing the 12Cs, CONNECT! In this book, the two authors emphasized that CONNECT! is an element that has to exist in order to practice the New Wave Marketing. In another sense, CONNECT! is the entrance to the other 12Cs.

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