Buku Philip Kotler 2013 “8 Ways To Win”

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Senin, 18 Maret 2013 Philip Kotler mengisi seminar dengan tajuk “8 Ways to Grow” di Ritz-Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta. Beliau mengupas delapan alasan utama dalam melakukan akuisisi. Pertama, meningkatkan pendapatan sales, pangsa pasar, dan profitabilitas. Kedua, memasuki sebuah bisnis maupun pasar baru. Ketiga, memasuki wilayah geografis yang baru. Keempat, meningkatkan kepemilikan input supply. Kelima, meningkatkan efisiensi dengan mengurangi ketidakefektifan pekerjaan dan ongkos operasi. Keenam, meningkatkan skala ekonomi. Ketujuh, memperluas portofolio merek. Kedel

Seminar ini diadakan sekaligus untuk mengenalkan buku terbaru dari Philip Kotler yang berjudul “Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win” terbitan Wiley, Desember 2012. Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi pemikiran dengan saudaranya yang juga pakar pemasaran dunia, Milton Kotler.

Dalam buku barunya itu, Philip Kotler menawarkan delapan cara untuk menang.  Berikut adalah kutipan endorser kedelapan poin yang ditulis oleh Penerbit Wiley di situs webnya:
  1. Grow by Building Your Market Share: What is the best way to out-perform your competitors and grow your market share?
  2. Grow by Developing Enthusiastic Customers and Stakeholders: How can your company create fans and develop dedicated supply chain partners?
  3. Grow by Building a Powerful Brand: What can your company do to design and implement a powerful brand to serve as a living platform for its strategy and actions?
  4. Grow by Innovating New Products, Services and Experiences: How can your company develop a culture of innovation and think freshly about new offerings and experiences?
  5. Grow by International Expansion: How can you identity international macro and micro pockets of high growth and enter them successfully?
  6. Grow by Acquisitions, Merger and Alliances: How can our company grow through identifying attractive partnering opportunities through acquisitions, mergers and alliances?
  7. Grow by Building an Outstanding Reputation for Social Responsibility: How can we improve our company’s social character to win more respect and support from the public and our stakeholders?
  8. Partner with Government and NGOs: Successfully bid to provide services and products that governments all over the word need.
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