Permission Marketing dan Interruption Marketing #49

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Permission marketing is a term popularized by Seth Godin  used in marketing in general and e-marketing specifically. The undesirable opposite of permission marketing is interruption marketing. Marketers obtain permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. For example, they ask permission to send email newsletters to prospective customers. It is mostly used by online marketers, notably email marketers and search marketers, as well as certain direct marketers who send a catalog in response to a request.

This form of marketing requires that the prospective customer has either given explicit permission for the marketer to send their promotional message (like an email or catalog request) or implicit permission (like querying a search engine). This can be either via an online email opt-in form or by using search engines, which implies a request for information which can include that of a commercial nature. To illustrate, consider someone who searches for "buy shoes." Online shoe stores have searchers' permission to make an offer that solves their shoe problem.

Marketers feel that this is a more efficient use of their resources because the offers are sent to people only if actually interested in the product. This is one technique used by marketers that have a personal marketing orientation. Marketers feel that marketing should be done on a one-to-one basis rather than using broad aggregated concepts like market segment or target market.

In the United Kingdom, an opt-in is required for email marketing, under The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 since 11 December 2003.

Seth Godin sering disebut sebagai pemikir Pemasaran Masa Depan. Dia berada adalam satu Daftar 50 Orang Guru Masa Depan Pemasaran dari Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom bersama Philip Kotler dan Hermawan Kartajaya.

Intinya Permission marketing, merupakan strategi marketing yang juga memperhatikan privasi orang lain, sehingga kita mengajukan permohonan kepada target, apakah ia mau menerima penawaran-penawaran selanjutnya atau tidak.

Sedangakan Interuption Marketing adalah kebalikkannya, Interruption marketing is a pejorative term that refers to promoting a product through continued advertising, promotions, public relations and sales. It is considered to be an annoying version of the traditional way of doing marketing whereby companies focus on finding customers through advertising. (Confusingly, the ambiguous term outbound marketing is sometimes used as a label for interruption marketing. This gives rise to an ambiguity because in the past the term had a different meaning, namely that information about finished product capability was flowing out to prospective customers who have a need for it i.e. benign marketing communication and product marketing.), contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Trade show: event at which a good or service is exhibited
Telemarketing: act of promoting a good or service over the telephone
Print advertising: promote a product via newspapers or magazines
Direct Mail: promotional circulars sent directly via mail
E-mail spam: electronic mails sent to large mailing lists
TV/Radio Advertisements: promote a product via television and radio

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